Coolidge Quotes for Achievers Nothing is finer than the open hand and the generous heart that's prompt free and unselfish giving. But modern social science knows,
also, that ill directed charity is often directly responsible for encouragement of pauperism and mendicancy. The best service we can do
for the needy and the unfortunate is to help them in such manner that their self respect, their ability to help themselves, shall not be
injured but augmented. Nobody is necessarily out merely because he is down. But, being down, nobody gets up again without honest
effort of his own. The best help that benevolence and philanthropy can give is that which induces everybody to help himself.'
~ From President Coolidge's telephone remarks to the Federation of Jewish Philanthropic Societies of New York City, Oct. 26, 1924
Achievers Quotes for Achievers 'Success is not only the financial wealth you accumulate, it is also about being a leader, improving your relationships,
living healthfully, and making a real difference in the world' ~ Darren Hardy
Business Quotes for Business 'A man to carry on a successful business must have imagination. He must see things as in a vision, a dream
of the whole thing.'
Well Being Quote for Well Being "You don't get in life what you want. You get what you are." ~ Les Brown Give Back Quote for Giving Back 'Sometimes in our attempt to give children what we did not have, we forget to give our children what we did have.'
~ Connie Podesta

Our Mission


"A vanguard committed to mentoring and empowering women through friendships, support, education, and community resources."

About Our Organization


In the summer of 2013, Rachaele Andrews began working for Diane Stow as her intern at Fort Worth Magazine. Shortly after Rachaele completed her internship, Diane asked to meet Rachaele’s mother.


Friends of Diane was organized as a response to the life choices we all make. Diane Stow Ayres has clearly made some good life choices that have changed so many lives, including mine.

Useful information

Friends of Diane was organized due to life choices we all make.

Official Sponsor
